why i’m


It has been my privilege and honor to serve as your State Attorney. For six years I worked tirelessly to build a safer community, achieve justice for victims, and make our criminal justice system more fair and effective.

In August 2022, I was unlawfully and unconstitutionally suspended for speaking out against total abortion bans—for exercising the constitutional right to free speech on an issue of intense importance, and for being transparent with the community I was elected to serve.

Over the last two years, as throughout my career, I have been fighting for free speech, democracy, and the rule of law: to defend every American’s freedoms under the First Amendment, to protect your vote, and to ensure that no one—not even the governor—is above the law.

On the cusp of winning that fight in court, I’m excited to go back to fighting for the people of Hillsborough County: for parents like me trying to keep our children safe, for victims, and for every family in our community. My wife and daughters live here; there is nothing more important to me than public safety.

Voters elected me because of my vision and my values, and I was re-elected with support from Democrats, Republicans, and Independents because we had tremendous success. Working with law enforcement, we reduced crime more than 32%, making Hillsborough the safest large county in Florida.

I’ll continue that success: lowering crime, fighting for victims; and improving the system, all while protecting our freedoms and our values.

my record

Promises made, promises kept. As your State Attorney, I will continue my mission to build a safer community, fight for victims, and make our criminal justice system more fair and effective. Working with law enforcement and community partners, we had tremendous success: crime went down 32.7% (according to official statewide data), making Hillsborough the safest large county in Florida.

Here are highlights of what we accomplished together: 

  • Prioritized prosecuting crimes that threaten public safety

  • Increased prison sentences for the most serious offenders

  • Took dangerous criminals off the street by aggressively prosecuting illegal gun cases

  • Convicted hundreds of child predators

  • Put worst of the worst murderers on death row

  • Protected domestic violence survivors by aggressively enforcing gun laws to disarm abusers

  • Aggressively prosecuted fentanyl dealers, including charging homicide against dealers who sold to kids

  • Reduced drunk driving recidivism through an enhanced-sanction program

  • Created a Conviction Review Unit to prevent, identify, and fix wrongful convictions

  • Created and expanded problem solving courts, including mental health and drug treatment programs

  • Created and expanded civil citation programs for low-level, first-time juvenile and adult offenders

  • Minimized the criminalization of poverty that undermines public safety and wastes taxpayer resources

  • Created a public-facing data dashboard to better measure prosecutorial performance

  • Championed the Victims Rights constitutional amendment passed in 2018

my vision

My strategic vision is to maximize public safety by balancing accountability, punishment, prevention, and rehabilitation. This starts with prioritizing and aggressively prosecuting the crimes that threaten public safety. We must also invest in safety through innovative programs that prevent crime, reduce recidivism, and steer low-level offenders away from the downward spiral of the system.

We can advance the mission of public safety outside the walls of the courthouse through productive partnerships with law enforcement and community agencies, including victims advocacy groups, neighborhood watch associations, and a variety of civic organizations. 

My Fight For Democracy

In August 2022, the governor unlawfully and unconstitutionally suspended me for speaking out against total abortion bans. The unlawful suspension did not only take me from the position I was elected to serve. It also threw away your votes, overturned an election, and jeopardized our public safety.

In January 2023 after a trial on the merits, a federal court ruled that the suspension was unconstitutional, violating state and federal law. In January 2024, the federal appellate court upheld the lower court’s key findings while also ruling that it has the authority to reinstate me. 

As your State Attorney I will continue to fight for the freedom of all Floridians to exercise their First Amendment rights, to protect our democracy by ensuring that voters decide who serves in elected office, and to uphold the rule of law by making sure that no one—not even the governor—is above the law.



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